Saturday, May 11, 2013

Long Awaited

Long awaited (or at least post-poned) updates.

Here I am living in Beijing still, in a new part of the city, having no girlfriend, playing a rock band (Intrepid Adventurers), working on some solo music (Bill Bunkum), teaching the occasional friend how to be awesome - here I am.

Lots has happened since I came to China 3 years ago. Damn, it's been nearly 3 full years. I arrived in Hong Kong May 13th, 2010 (as the elephant remembers).

The point? You certainly want to skip a bit, don't you? What can I say, we are accustomed to impatience. In short, the family blew up and is now on the mend. Call it nature, call it death by cancer, call it both for all I care. In short, I leapt from one idea unto another, from one goal to a different. Throughout, I have somehow maintained my course towards the BIG 3 - Learn Chinese, Develop the Graphic Novel & Art (insert Music), Keep Adventuring. Booyah.

More later…